Far in the bosom of the deep O'er these wild shelves my watch I keep A ruddy gem of changeful light Bound on the dusky brow of Night The Seaman birds my lustre hail And scorns to strike his timorous sail
– Walter Scott –
Welcome to DAS Art
They touch the innermost. They invite you to quiet contemplation. Make thoughts wander. Encourage dreaming. Encourage change. Let hearts beat faster and create an atmosphere of lingering and intimacy between painter and viewer. Yes, paintings are so much more than a particular motif on a canvas. And that both for the one who creates them and for the one who looks at them. That is exactly why I am pleased that you have discovered my virtual gallery for yourself.

Current exhibitions and permanent exhibitions
Past exhibitions
News and current topics

My works
In my virtual gallery you can browse relaxed through my pictures. Maybe the tour will make you want more?
This is me
Head and heart, reason and passion can sometimes fight an uphill battle. It was the same for me: although I loved drawing and experimenting with colors and techniques as a child, I made a different career decision…

Always up to date
If you want to learn more about me, my art and exhibitions, then this is the right place for you. In my blog section I will inform you regularly about all the news. So a regular visit is worthwhile!